2018年7月13日 星期五

我有博客和使用Google Adsense的Youtube頻道。



I have blogger blogs and a Youtube Channel that uses Google Adsense.

As you said in your description, your AdSense account is made with YouTube, right? So, in that case, take it from an expert (me), forget about showing your ads with blogger.

Now, let me take you through this, step by step. A hosted account is when you make it through one of its products like YouTube or Blogger. Now the thing is that you cannot show ads on your blog through an adsense account made through youtube unless your account becomes, well, unhosted. By that, I mean that if you link a non host site ike from wordpress, zoho, etc with your account. If you do, then you can show the ads. Many people call this a bug and also a major issue. I can give you the entire explination of this issue because I rote a post about it on my blog. This will solve all of your issues and lead you in the right direction. Get an Adsense account made through Youtube to work with Blogger. This will tell you exactly how to get your issue out of the way. Make sure to share this post with your friends if you are satisfied.





From the glossary on Adsense: (Host partner website)

Host partners allow you to monetise the content that you create on their websites by linking it to your AdSense account. If you're associated with an AdSense host partner, you'll see their name listed on the Third party access page of your account, in the "Access and authorisation" section, under "Settings".

The most famous example is YouTube. You create content on their website, but they allow you to monetize that content. This is by far the easiest route into Adsense earnings.

However, your own blogger account is your own domain, rather than a partner website, meaning you need to go through the full Adsense approval process before gaining ‘non-hosted’ account status. Getting approved by Adsense is all about providing quality, unique, smart and useful content to your visitors. Good length articles, good traffic sources, a clean and crisp design, focused content on a topic, original research, and nothing illegal or in violation of the AdSense program policies.

什麼是Google AdSense上的“託管”帳戶? 我可以使用此帳戶在我的博客帳戶上啟用AdSense嗎?

託管的AdSense帳戶是您註冊使用YouTube、Blogger和其他Google服務的帳戶。 您(或其他任何人)只允許擁有一個AdSense帳戶,因此您可以使用此單一帳戶從其他網站或非託管網站賺錢。 您只需遵循Google政策和條款即可。


主機合作夥伴允許您通過將其鏈接到您的AdSense帳戶,將您在其網站上創建的內容貨幣化。 如果您與AdSense主機合作夥伴相關聯,則會在“設置”下的“訪問和授權”部分中看到您帳戶的第三方訪問權限頁上列出其姓名。


在不屬於AdSense主機合作夥伴的域上託管的網站。 非主機站點包括您自己註冊的任何域。